Machiaj pentru blonde – machiajul perfect pentru fetele cu parul de aur
Legenda spune ca fetele cu parul blond sunt mai speciale si trebuie sa fie atente atunci cand vine vorba de
“We like to work with Rich Girls studio, because they identify themselves with the style Jasmin represents. It is obvious for us, that they put a lot of effort into making their models successful.”
– Károly Papp – CEO & Co-founder of Jasmin
“From the name of the studio some would associate to the notable finances only. However the models working here are RICH in their personalities and their beauty too. We at Streamate are very glad to have Rich Girls Studio as our long-time and trusted partners!”
– Laszlo Czero – Director of EU Operations at Streamate
I am very thankful for the strong collaboration between Rich Girls studio and Streamray. Every time I visit the studio, they step up their game and raise the bar. For Cams, they are what other European studios should strive to be. You won’t find a more innovative, professional and glamorous studio in all of Europe.”
– Steve Hamilton – Model Manager
Legenda spune ca fetele cu parul blond sunt mai speciale si trebuie sa fie atente atunci cand vine vorba de
Impletiturile de par sau prinderea acestuia intr-un coc sau alte modele care presupun ridicarea parului au efectul de evidentiere a
Feromonii sunt hormoni care sunt importanti in lumea plantelor, a animalelor, dar si a oamenilor. Acestia sunt, de fapt, molecule
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